Wednesday, March 30, 2005

I was at work today. Recently, I work until 8pm every day. However, work ended at the regular time today.
I went to Sapporo dome to see a professional baseball game with a friend.
We were able to enjoy watching baseball though we were not able to see the wonderful play of Mr. Shinjo.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Today was very good weather and warm. It seems like spring.
However, I couldn't feel warm because I was in the office from the morning to the night.

A friend who lives in Nagoya will come to Sapporo next week. I am looking forward to it, because I will meet them after an interval of one and a half years. We got to know each other through sharing our common love of Hong Kong
Last time, we got misonikomiudon from them. It was very delicious.
I hope to get it this year!