I got up at 5:30am because I was cleaning the office this week.
I went to sleep at 10:30pm because I was tired.
Hello, welcome to my English page! You can read all about me here. I hope you enjoy it!
I got up at 5:30am because I was cleaning the office this week.
I went to sleep at 10:30pm because I was tired.
The exchange game was Sapporo dome today.
However, I checked the game progress by internet because I was at work.
Professional baseball exchange game started today.
I wanted to watch in Sapporo dome.
However, I watched TV at home.
We ate Butadon at Obihiro Station for lunch.
After that, I came back from Obihiro on the Super-oozora.
I slept for a long time in the train because I was tired.
We went to all-you- can-eat restaurant for supper.
I did not know how much I ate.
After supper, we ate sweet potatoes at my sister's house.
It was very delicious, and famous.
I went to my sister's house in Obihiro because my sister's family moved to
Obihiro in April.
My sister, brother-in-law, niece and I went to Koufuku station and Museum
in Nakasatyunai.